Graphics Output would like to extend a warm greeting to Airmate’s customer base. We recently acquired Airmate’s custom templates division and look forward to working with you in the future. Graphics Output can create customized, branded plastic templates with your logo and contact information.
We’ve got this
If you are a current or past customer, rest assured that we can handle all of your needs from re-orders to new designs. Graphics Output will retain all films and files from past orders through Airmate making the re-order process as seamless as possible. This information retention along with our industry knowledge of industrial graphics will ensure that the quality that you have come to expect continues under the new ownership. Graphics Output can offer many other capabilities to Airmate’s customers while continuing the level of service and quality the Airmate has provided.
Contact us @ 260-748-0577
For current Airmate customer re-orders, please contact sales@gographicsoutput.com. For technical help, new customers, and further information please contact shawn@gographicsoutput.com.
About templates
Templates are used for things such as mechanical drawings, measuring sizes, and quality control. They are often geometric rulers, gauges, or stencils and can be customized for businesses, schools, and trades.
• Trucker logbook rulers
• Wheels and slide charts
• Standard and custom rulers
• Goniometers and gauges
• Medical and pharmaceutical
• Engineer, architect and construction
• Kitchen, bath, residential & office templates
• Event planning templates
• Communications and utilities
• Accident reconstruction templates
• Gauges
• Educational and safety awareness
• Sports Templates
• Lighting and landscaping templates
• Overlays